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Washtenaw Alliance for Children and Youth
Partner Agency Memorandum of Understanding
WACY is comprised of Washtenaw County’s nonprofits, K-12 schools, higher education, philanthropy, government, business, workforce development and community champions. Each of these sectors understands how the success of young people directly impacts them, and understands that they each benefit from increased high school graduation rates and safer homes, schools and communities.
To become a member organization, please review, complete, and submit the Partner Agency Memorandum of Understanding (link below).
Submit payment to WACY via its Fiduciary, SOS Community Services, by July 31 of each new fiscal year.
Checks should be made out to SOS Community Services with a note in the memo line “WACY” and mailed to:
101 S. Huron
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
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